当前位置:PO18文学>书库>其他类型>残梦孤秋> 第161章 sweetheart

第161章 sweetheart

  i believe i believe
  i'm sure you'll like me
  no one knows all the secrets
  you're the only one who makes me believe
  i can see clearly
  i like you.i can't say
  will be at ease
  it's always been like this
  i still miss you until eternity
  i have nothing to do with you anymore i don't agree
  heavy thoughts are meaningless
  i still look the same who cares
  fresh wind spirits and i hugged each other
  my thoughts and ambitions don't tell my father
  only to you i can't stop talking
  it's hard for me to be in love because your beauty
  if there is no date to love you
  then the world is with you
  i want to see the mountains and seas with you
  by the way i really like you
  i still miss you until eternity
  i have nothing to do with you anymore i don't agree
  heavy thoughts are meaningless
  i still look the same who cares
  fresh wind spirits and i hugged each other
  my thoughts and ambitions don't tell my father
  only to you i can't stop talking
  it's hard for me to be in love because your beauty
  if there is no date to love you
  then the world is with you
  i want to see the mountains and seas with you
  by the way i really like you
